The Last Blog of 2008

Editorial : December 31, 2008

As if the title didn’t make it clear enough…this is it, the last blog of 2008.

It’s hard to believe that we’ve been cranking out these blogs since…whenever we started cranking these things out, but its been a lot of fun and we hope you’ve enjoyed reading them. That being said, we hope to take the quality, content, and value of the blog to new heights in 2009. Bigger, Louder, and Uncut.

National Speed New Year

Things you can look forward to:

  • A redesigned, sexier looking blog that’s easier on the eyes but still contains the same typos and bad humor that you’ve come to love.
  • Focus on building a community. We want to know what you think. We want your comments and we thrive on open-communication with our readers. As much as we enjoy reading our own stuff we’re not doing this for ourselves…It gets lonely out here and we need a hug sometimes.
  • Fresh content daily. We’re talking several articles a day unless it kills us (and if it does we’ll replace the dead bloggers with new ones as quickly as possible).
  • More editorial/personal opinion content where you can get a glimpse into the twisted minds of our bloggers (that sounds like we have a dedicated team of bloggers — sorry folks, it’s just me and Greg so you’ll have to be happy with that).

At least that’s the plan…If you have any bright ideas on what you think we could be doing better or what you’d like to see more of (or less of) let us know. Hope ya’ll have a Happy New Year and we’ll see you in 2009!