Humor »News »

National Speed Quickie: Snakes on a Dash

Humor | News : November 26, 2008

It’s been awhile since our last quickie, so I thought it’d be best to set the mood with a little wine and romance. Just kidding. I’m not one for long winded speeches or intros, so whaddaya say we get down to business and report on all the automotive news that’s fit to print…and probably some […]

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Top 5 Flying Cars

Editorial | Humor : November 17, 2008

If the movies are any indication of what’s to come, where in the hell are my flying cars?!? For decades, Hollywood has teased audiences with hypnotic visions of an automotive future which has sadly yet to come true. It’s incredibly frustrating to walk into a movie theater and have your mind blown by fantastic images […]

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Bang for Your Buck: Cheap and Effective Performance Parts

Uncategorized : November 6, 2008

Cheap and Effective. Sound good to you? It sure does to me. It’s all about getting power for cheap nowadays. I think it’s time to go over some inexpensive but effective mods you can make to your vehicle for your budget build. Intake It’s pretty hard to drink something through a coffee stirrer, isn’t it? […]

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National Speed Presents: 5 More Crazy Clips

Humor | Media : November 4, 2008

Work got you down? Kick back and take a break with National Speed and enjoy these hilarious clips that the voices inside my head told me were funny. The voices also told me that the National Speed eStore is now open and that you should definitely check it out. All the cool kids are shopping […]

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National Speed Performance Parts eStore Now Open!

Editorial : October 31, 2008

We’ve worked long and hard to bring you the best online shopping experience possible so check out the new National Speed Performance Parts eStore. Over the past few weeks we’ve worked closely with several car enthusiast forums and clubs to test the shop and gather feedback. As such, the team at National Speed has been […]

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National Speed's Midnight Club L.A. Review

Media : October 30, 2008

Rockstar games has been on a winning streak this year with their juggernaut Grand Theft Auto 4 tearing up the sales charts as well as garnering critical raves, but it’s their lesser known Midnight Club franchise that really has us salivating here at National Speed. Featuring an amazingly detailed rendering of L.A. for you to […]

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