Editorial »Humor »

9 out of 10 Women Hate the Environment

Editorial | Humor : August 26, 2008

A recent survey conducted by General Motors said that nine out of ten women would prefer to date a guy that drove the latest fuel-efficient car rather than a high performance sports car. Now I’m not sure where General Motors conducts their surveys, but it obviously isn’t Wilmington, North Carolina. It might not even be […]

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5 Ways to Drive Further on a Tank of Gas

Gear and Tech : July 24, 2008

It’s no secret that gas prices are gouging you at the pump. Every time I stop to fill up I half expect the attendant to blindside me with a shotgun and ask me to empty my pockets. At this rate we’ll be paying $8.00 a gallon and selling our souls for a gallon of diesel. […]

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